Monday, August 24, 2015

Oliver turns 4

Some presents from Papa & Maman in the morning.
Oliver said thank you for his presents a few times without us reminding him to!

Homemade cake, two layers of "gateau au yaourt" and one layer of dense chocolate cake separated by and covered with whipped cream!

Thanks for the birthday cards!

Pool Party with friends later that day

A little windy for the candles...

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

A day in North Carolina...

Oliver is becoming a great little hiker. He hiked 2 miles with a gradual uphill slop a few days ago

The reward at the end of the trail is a picnic and swim in cold water!

All this adventure gets very tiring, even for Oliver who never sleeps in the car!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

North Carolina Nature Paradise

We arrived in our North Carolina "retreat" a little over 2 weeks ago and really love it here.
The house we rented is literally in the middle of nowhere with the closest decent grocery store about 25 minutes away.
It's incredibly quiet here, no car sound, just bugs, birds, frogs and creek flow sounds.

We hired 3 nannies to come play with Oliver in the mornings (different nanny depending on the day) so Ben and I get our work done in the morning, then we spend the afternoon lazying it out around the property or we go an adventures to discover new deserted swim holes in nearby National forests where Oliver gets to play and swim naked!


Between chasing bunnies in the morning, picking flowers, catching salamanders and crawfish in the creek, hanging out in the hammock, eating mulberries, Oliver is the happiest little boy here. He said the other day he wanted to stay here forever. And when we asked him why, he said he loved the grass, the trees, and the butterflies.

Oliver loves to help me make cakes!

Ben gets adventurous trying out local beers.

Our good friends from Austin visited on their way to Virginia.


The owners of the house we're renting invited us to a flower farm potluck down the road.