Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Bay

I'm writing this post from the Bay. We arrived yesterday after a relatively nice road trip. It was the longest Oliver had been on, and he only got fussy once for a short time. As opposed to most babies who often fall asleep as soon as they are put in a car, Oliver is not a big fan of the car seat, he prefers to be held. Unfortunately, we can't hold him while driving. :)
When we arrived at the Bay, he seemed to be very excited with lots of smiles.  I explained to him that one day he will be fishing with his dad, his uncle and his grandfather. Ben also introduced him to football, he's actually watching a game right now.

The weather is nice out here. Ben and Andy went fishing this morning and caught a black drum and a trout. They were a little disappointed because other fishermen were catching a bunch of fish with live bait right next to them but hey, we are going to have a nice dinner tonight.

Forgot to mention... last week we saw the pediatrician, Oliver is over 13 lbs, still in the 90 percentile, he's healthy and still likes the milk!
On another note, we lost a member of our family last week. Ben and I were awaken by a horrible sound in the middle of the night. Ben got out and saw a tail sticking out of the top of the chicken coop. It was a possum, it had made its way up the chicken coop, killed a chicken, dragged it down in the yard, and went back to get another one when we got woken up. So they bad news is that we lost a chicken but we saved the other two!

Here are a few more videos for those who just can't get enough of Mr. Oliver!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Deux Mois

Oliver just turned two months this weekend. It's funny how it seems like he was born yesterday and like he's been with us forever at the same time. It was also one of our friend's son's first birthday this weekend, and we got to go to some crazy birthday party with a bouncy house and Bonzo the clown. We shall see what Oliver's first birthday will look like...
We just started Oliver on a new routine. As he was feeding on demand, I often had to wake up every hour in the middle of the night to nurse. After reading a book recommended by a friend, called Baby Wise, we got Oliver to wake up only once in the middle of the night for the past couple nights, so we're pretty excited. His routine - although flexible - is a lot more predictable and we are able to somewhat plan our activities around it.
Here are some fun pictures my mum took while they were here.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Cats and a Baby

Our mischievous cats have overall warmed nicely to the new addition.  Both Nouba and Lola, our feline babies, have not been remiss or distant size Oliver arrived a couple months back.  Nouba in fact has been even more loving, giving additional attention not only to Oliver but to everyone in general.  She as turned into a much more loving cat.

Now, we don't dare leave them together, there are lots of horror stories on the web of cats and babies.  But that said, I wanted to give a little insight into the friendly yet cautious budding relationship between Nouba and Oliver.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Out of town

This weekend we went down to San Antonio for a little weekend get-a-way with Oliver.
With the end of pregnancy and Oliver being too young to go anywhere, we had not left Austin in months.
He did fairly well on the car ride with a couple of 1 min fussy episodes. Car seat: not really his thing unless he's already sleeping...
When we arrived in San Antonio on Friday night, Oliver got to bond with his oncle.  And on Saturday night Ben and I enjoyed a nice romantic evening while Oliver took a nice long nap. :)

Here are couple pictures of Oliver with Andy and a video in the "family walker". Of course Oliver's feet are not even close to touching the ground and there is still a little time before he can hold his head fully... But we never get tired of his smiles!
More to come...