Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The simple little pleasures in life...

Blueberry jam for breakfast

 Watermelon is back!
 "Compote yayourt" (apple sauce and yogurt)

Friday, April 4, 2014

Oliver loves big rides

The day after our fun party, we went for a nice little bike ride. Oliver loves his new helmet which is like a dry erase board (he can draw on it and wipe it off)

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Steph's Birthday / 2nd Annual Crawfish Feast

The tradition is only a year old, but Ben was so excited about it, I felt we were both celebrating our birthday that day.
It all started last year when Ben wanted to do something special for my birthday party and he came up with a whole pig roast in the backyard. Sounded like fun but we have lots of vegetarian friends including a couple of them who own pig pets.
After digging for more ideas, the crawfish boil came up. Most of our vegetarian friends eat fish so they can eat these little shrimp like creatures.

Just like last year, it was lots of fun and we had the most perfect weather to be outside.

Vanessa 40 weeks pregnant, due the next day...

Confetti eggs