Friday, December 19, 2014

Ginger bread

Holiday season, ginger man cookie making party, ginger bread house making parties... 

Gingerbread house party #2

Ginger cookie making party #3

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Oliver's first cast

Most of you already know this, but just for keeping record of this little event, here is a little summary.

Oliver jumped off a playscape like a super hero about 5 weeks ago. Tibial fracture, 5 weeks in a cast extending from his toes to mid thigh.
Oliver being such an active boy, we were worried we were going to run out of things to do with him, no more parks, no more playgrounds. 
The doctor said he would start walking on the cast again within 3 weeks... It took him 3 days.
He was such good sport, he never complained and got used to the cast so fast, it became part of his life.

When we told him it was time to remove it, he didn't quiet get it. This thing was now part of his leg and he was completely used to it.
After removing it last week, the doctor said he was going to be soar and not up for walking for a little while. Here is a video of him getting out of the doctor's office...